Certifications & Credentials

Born and raised in Chico, CA, I started studying Tae Kwan Do in 1988 at the age of 7. I trained in several other martial art forms including Judo, Hapkido, Aikido, Karate, Wrestling, Krave Maga, Escrima and Arnes, Western Boxing, and Muay Thai Kickboxing over the years.
Between 2002 and 2005 I was a USA Amateur boxing coach.
In 2004 I became a licensed massage therapist.
Between 2006 and 2012, I continued training under Sifu Paul Vunak in the Progressive Fighting Systems (Jeet Kune Do concepts and the Filipino martial arts). Paul is a second generation (JKD) student, he trained under Guru Dan Inosanto.
In 2013, I began training under Sifu Dr. Z in Authentic Jeet Kune Do, also known as Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do. Dr. Z trained under Dan Inosanto and continued his training and is certified under Sifu Ted Wong a private session student of Sijo (Grand-master) Bruce Lee. I am currently training under Sifu Z.
I now offer courses in fitness kickboxing boot camps and Jeet Kune Do & the Filipino Martial Arts at my studio in Chico, CA.
Some of my Certifications:
⦁ 30 years martial arts experience
⦁ 2nd Degree Black Belt (Tae Kwon Do)
⦁ Certified Massage Therapist
⦁ Progressive Fighting Systems (Full Instructor)
⦁ Law Enforcement Instructor (PFS)
⦁ Edged Weapons Instructor (PFS)
⦁ Authentic Jeet Kune Do (certified instructor)